cesfarms.unram.ac.id, North Lombok – Monitoring the location of LPAH activities in Beraringan, Dusun Tanak Muat, Kayangan Village, and Sesait Village, North Lombok Regency.

Team : Dr. Sukartono, Prof. Bambang Hari, Prof. Dahlanuddin, IGL Parta Tanaya PhD, Cahyaning, Maman.

photo documentation of the cesfarms team and LPAH partners in horticultural plantations

  1. Discussions with Kadus Aik Muat (Sub-village leader) and farmers. They were very happy and enthusiastic about being fostered by LPAH and Unram. They are not only engaged in a commodity but also they cultivate cattle traditionally. Therefore, in the discussion they want to be guided in cultivating cows with nutritious feed such as lamtoro. Kadus Tanak Muat (Pak Istodi) and his two friends are members of the Horseka farmer group with the group leader Pak Heri. His wife is now chairman of the Tanak Muat Women Farmers Group (KWT). The number of members who collaborate on cultivation with LPAH is 5 people. All of these members also raise cattle. They fatten other people’s cows with a 50:50 profit sharing system. They really hope to cooperate more with LPAH and Cesfarms UNRAM. They really want to be guided and trained by Unram in horticulture and cattle business activities so that their welfare will increase. According to Pak Istodi, the profit he raises is around 1 million cows per head per month (Brangus Cow). Unfortunately there is no experience for Balinese cows.
  2. Visit to eggplant cultivation. We saw plants whose growth was not good (only about three beds), many died and curled. We recommend replanting with good seeds along with the land that is already ready for planting.
  3. Visit to chili locations. We saw that the plants grew uniformly even though there were symptoms of nutrient deficiency, especially N. This was normal for sandy soils. The rain was often heavy, so even though it had been given fertilizer, many nutrients were leached. Some suggestions from the aspect of fertilization: fertilizers should be banded using NPK. If the fertilizer is still given by watering, it should be split application while observing the rain pattern. Farmers informed that he applied fertilizers at afternoon and later on at the night heavy rain often occurs.
  4. Visit to the Sesait, The seedling and plant performance was very good, unfortunately we did not meet Pak Tidar for a discussion.

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